Monday, January 4, 2010

Better, Better, Best -- 2010

Well, the thyroid meds are working.

Have I lost a bunch of weight? No

BUT... I just feel different now. I quit gaining, which is fantastic. It is a horrible feeling to be dieting and GAINING weight. That is one of the ways that I know the meds are working is because I have quit gaining.

Actually I have started losing again -- slowly, but losing feels much better.

I have changed doctors (because of insurance) and I had a little struggle trying to convince the new doctor that I was on a good routine and that it was working. He was very skeptical, but agreed to keep up the meds. I am supposed to go back in February for a follow-up. I think that he will be pleasantly surprised.

With the "physical obstacles" dealt with, it is time to move on to the next phase -- EXERCISE.

I probably hate exercising MORE than the average person. I never had brothers to compete with. I never was involved in any physical activity -- except baton twirling! :D I hated gym class with a passion - which prompted me to sign up to work in the office instead (this was allowed back then). Hate it hate it hate it. I even dislike watching it on TV.

So... at my age, the only ONLY thing that affects the metabolism as much as needed is EXERCISE. I like dancing - especially clog dancing, but I do not have the time to devote to it. I am already paying for a gym membership that I am not using (Isn't everyone? -- or at least ALMOST everyone?)

So last week I made a decision to bite the bullet and try to incorporate it into my life. It will be a necessary evil. It will be like a huge horse pill or hypodermic shot I have to take daily. It will be like smashing my face into a brick wall every day. ugh. It brings up every bit of fear & rebellion within me.

EXERCISE is everything I hate/abhor/fear -- competition, body image, and routine.

Gee... sounds like I'm ready, doesn't it?

I don't know how I am going to do it. I don't know how long I can choke down the fear and feeling of inferiority, age, body image, etc.. but I packed my gym back this morning.

It is in my car and ready for me to drive from work to the gym.

And I will be there with the millions who have made their resolutions. UGH -- I hate that! I do not like to be typical. It makes me want to rebel. hahaha I supposed I will have to look forward to plugging in my headphones, blocking out the rest of the world, and just do it...

for me.


Anonymous said...

I inclination not agree on it. I think polite post. Specially the appellation attracted me to review the whole story.

Becky, The Travel Maven said...

What? "I inclination not agree on it." What does that mean? And of course I know who this is. What.. are you bored? Leave me alone, Heidi.

What's in your Toolbox?

I have had some discoveries lately and thought it might help someone else. I am calling this ALL THE TOOLS IN THE TOOL BOX. I started I.F...