Friday, October 18, 2019

What's in your Toolbox?

I have had some discoveries lately and thought it might help someone else. I am calling this ALL THE TOOLS IN THE TOOL BOX. I started I.F. in 2017 and bounced around from several different approaches until I finally found what works for me. I dabbled with weigh/no weigh, keto/kitchen sink, moderate fast/Alternate Day fast, Measuring/clothes size. ETC. (including the "Who cares! Eat it all! approach) This would always lead me into a hard struggle and questioning my ability to commit, have any success, including the "This works for everyone BuT me." mentality So.. I DRUG OUT EVERY SINGLE TOOL IN MY TOOLBOX and began to apply it every single day. (This list is not all my tools, but I didn't want this post to be too long! haha too late!)
  1. EASY BUTTON - USE a Fasting App -- "Diet Struggle" - Every time I have been on a diet in the past I have always struggled with it - "Am I doing this right? What is permissible? Oh no, I have an event! What if I don't lose this time?"... It is a fight, struggle, wrestle, control, etc. As if my normal stress level of life wasn't enough, diets always put me on a new level of stress. NOW -- Intermittent Fasting gives me a break from that struggle. I set the timer and forget about it. I had to force myself to "write it/ log it/ forget it!" so I would relax and ... trust the process.

  2. THE SCALE - I bought an electronic scale with an app (Weight Guru). I step on the scale in the morning and it records my weight. It does NOT define ME. I can choose to look at it or not. But at least it is there and I will be honest with myself. I NEED this because I am the type of person who is quick to believe the negative about myself and always SURE I have "gained"... but I have found that this is NOT true. The more I use it the less afraid I have become, I have made peace with the fluctuations. This works for me.

  3. FOOD APP (Carb Manager App) -- The next tool I used temporarily was "keto" & "sweet free" (not even sweet snacks). Yes I know it is NOT for everyone but it was part of MY journey to find what works for me. I KNEW I had to get off of SUGAR because I was hiding and hoarding it like an addict. I had all the symptoms of metabolic resistance. This approached worked by cutting my cravings for sugar. Besides, I love cheese, olives, avocado, and that sort of stuff. I think it might be in my French Acadian DNA.

  4. JOURNAL / LOG (Nomatic) -- AND in my tool box, I got a new paper journal. By golly I was going to conquer this beast and quit playing around. I carried this in my purse and I wrote in it every single morning, afternoon, and before bed. In this electronic age I had forgotten how good it feels to write in a journal. This was a little bit of a hassle at first and I know it is not everyone's cup-o-tea, but again... I was determined to use every single tool I had!

  5. FASTING WINDOW / STYLE - This was a little tricky. What would fit my lifestyle? What could I do that would be consistent, manageable, and be stress free? In my journal I wrote down my plan for the week. I tried different approaches, windows, etc. until I found something that clicked and made me happy. It is a mix of everything - no routine for this gal. I literally looked forward to each daily approach. Each day is an adventure and a challenge. Besides, when I wanted to eat outside of my parameters, I would write first - log it. This gave me time to reign myself in.

  6. SOAK IN IT -- READ AND LISTEN! I listen to podcasts every week. I re-read sections of fasting books. I watch at least ONE inspiring I.F. video each week. I keep it in front of me, around me, and near me throughout the day. It is like the GLUE in my toolbox that helps hold everything together.
WILL THIS WORK FOR YOU? I dunno. Maybe. Maybe not. The POINT is for you to mix it up, try it out, experiment with what makes YOU happy!! There are so many approaches and we are all different. Do you like a steady routine or do you prefer to mix it up? I am a "mixer" and this FINALLY became a reality to me! I discovered how I operate best and how to make this work for me. I was free to experiment without condemning myself for not "doing it" like everyone else (... STAYING in the guidelines of a clean fast of course!!!). This became like a fun game to me! I know, right?!? To some this would be terribly tedious and not work for them, but for me it was like creating a teacher's "lesson plan" for the day.
if you have given up, or are struggling ask yourself, "What do I have in my toolbox?" Break out all the tools and build your house your way! You can be happy.

What's in your Toolbox?

I have had some discoveries lately and thought it might help someone else. I am calling this ALL THE TOOLS IN THE TOOL BOX. I started I.F...