Wednesday, October 3, 2018

30 Day OMAD Challenge (One Meal a Day)

I had a long talk with myself, assisted by my wonderful sister.  She said, "If you are going to eat One Meal A Day, then you ought to make it a great one!"  She is so right.  I have been snacking and grabbing and feeling very dissatisfied, to the point of not caring about much of anything.  I didn't want to cook.  I didn't want to shop.  I certainly don't want to spend a part of my day deciding.

Why is food such an issue?!?  It affects so many of my choices - how I feel, how I act, and what I do.  Can you believe that?  So the ONLY way I can do this is by setting a goal and sticking to it... hopefully.

So here is my personal challenge.  Thirty days of OMAD - One Meal A Day. 

You can find all entries here: 

DAY ONE:  Kobe Japanese Steakhouse

Imagine if you will tan colored stir-fired rice, tan colored calamari, tan colored stir-fried yellow squash, onions, and bean sprouts, with a side of tan tea.  Tan tan tan.  I should have taken a picture but it might not have turned out very good because of so much tan.  I could only eat half of it and was too rushed to box any up to take home.  As if I really wanted more tan-ness.

I wanted something sweet so on my way back to the office I drove through McDonald's for a tan cone.  Just seemed fitting.

There.... Day one is complete.  I will not have anything else until tomorrow's OMAD.  I must make better choices!!!

No.  Friends don't let friends eat tan.

What's in your Toolbox?

I have had some discoveries lately and thought it might help someone else. I am calling this ALL THE TOOLS IN THE TOOL BOX. I started I.F...