Wednesday, January 28, 2009

ABOUT THE PEOPLE -- wonderful & amazing

I just didn't think I would meet a nicer bunch of people from the 2007 group! 2007 cruise was VERY special. I was a little bit nervous because we had mostly ALL NEW people on the 2008 cruise and most of them I had never had any contact with online. They were strangers to me.

They were GREAT!

So now my goal is to get both groups together! hahaha


MARCH 6 - 12, 2010 -- out of JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA --

Start saving your money now!


OhYeahBabe said...

Can you give us names for the people in the photo? I recognize a few, and probably should recogznize even more!

Becky, The Travel Maven said...

Oh goodness -- well there were 34 people all total. I'll let them drop by and add their names! hahaha Last year I knew everyone's user names and had trouble with their real names. THIS year, I know everyone's real name but not their user names!

What's in your Toolbox?

I have had some discoveries lately and thought it might help someone else. I am calling this ALL THE TOOLS IN THE TOOL BOX. I started I.F...